Fresno County Genealogical Society

Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 21, 2020

The Fresno County Genealogical Society (FCGS) cares about your privacy, and the privacy and wellbeing of all members.  We only share your information as described below and we will never sell your information to anyone.

Our website is hosted by and they provide most of our website software services, including a membership information database.  All of our member information is stored in their database, together with the member information from their 15,000 other customers.  We suggest you read the Wild Apricot privacy policy for how they use this information.

We may share your information with law enforcement or other government agencies and third parties as is required by law.

Your name and your picture may appear in our newsletter, The Jotted Line.  We make our newsletter available to the public on our website.

FCGS does not share your information with nonmembers, except as described above.  However, unless you instruct us otherwise, FCGS will share your contact information with other members (for their personal use only).  Contact our webmaster if you don’t want your personal information shared with other FCGS members.  Our webmaster can make the information you choose, including telephone numbers, email address, postal address and even your name inaccessible to the general membership yet allow our administrators to contact you and send you communications via the post office and email (including newsletters).

Furthermore, for even greater privacy, we only require your name in order for you be an FCGS member.  But we strongly suggest that you provide at least an email address, since email is our primary means of communicating with members.

©2020 - 2025 Fresno County Genealogical Society.  All rights reserved.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Privacy Policy

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