Approved October 8, 2019
- The Board shall maintain the option of providing scholarships if any member may be ill or lack the funds for payment. In addition, at the discretion of the Board a member who requests to make payment in two installments may be allowed the opportunity to do so with the permission of the President of the Board.
- Life members by reason of their past contributions for the Society no longer pay annual dues. New Life memberships are no longer available.
- Dues shall be:
- Institutional (Library, Society) membership ................................. $20.00
- Individual Annual membership ..................................................... $30.00
- Family Annual membership ........................................................... $35.00
- All dues are due and payable by January 1st and entitle members to electronically receive the "The Jotted Line" monthly newsletter. Members will have access to all "Ash Tree Echo" periodicals on the Fresno County Genealogical Society Webpage Members section. The annual Roster is also electronically provided to each member annually.
- Any member whose dues are in arrears on January 31 shall be dropped from the membership at the end of February.
- All Officers should maintain records pertaining to their office.
- When submitting receipts to the Treasurer, the individual must give information on the need of the purchase and how it will be used for the Society.
- The signatures of three Officers are on the bank card: President, 1st Vice President and Treasurer.
- The signatures of three Officers are on the Investment Account: President, 1st Vice President and Treasurer.
- Members wishing to address the Board must contact the President to be added to the agenda where the President deems certain topics to be relevant to the business of the Board.
- Board members shall not speak about Board matters to non-board members or share board material with non-board members unless authorized do so by the Executive Board until such information is published on the website.
- Society material will be housed in the library and basement as space permits. All material must be properly boxed, labeled, and dated with the officer's name.
- Material for "The Jotted Line" must reach the Editor by the 20th of the month. The deadline date for submission of material for "The Jotted Line" will be included in every issue.
- Duplicate books for sale will be identified by the Librarian. A list of these books will be made available to the Board. The duplicate books will be made available to the editor of the "Jotted Line" and placed on the FCGS Web Site for purchase.
- Speaker fees for General Meetings shall be $100.00.
- The amount paid to speakers for Seminars will be the Board's decision.
- The 50/50 program allows the purchaser to have a book for three months before donating it back to the Library and then being reimbursed for half the cost. A member must get pre-approved for purchase from the Society librarian. Selections cannot be duplicates to our existing collection.
- The official Insignia of the Fresno County Genealogical Society shall an ash tree as created by Charter Member Bev Daly, and first depicted in the 1968 issue of the "Ash Tree Echo". The words "Fresno County Genealogical Society" are designed to arch around the tree from the bottom on the left, over the top, and down the right side. The quote by Benet, "Human beings ... not merely ancestors," is found below the tree across the bottom of the insignia. The Society name, and quote shall be in Kelly green, on a white background.
- Each Officer and each Special Committee Chairperson should receive a Society binder containing duties, procedures, responsibilities, and any relevant drafts of letters, forms, etc. pertinent to their position. These binders will be kept updated and then passed on to their successors at the January Annual meeting.
- The Bylaws Committee
- Is appointed by the President as required and will be responsible for any required amendments of the Constitution Bylaws, and Standing Rules.
- When the Bylaws Committee has completed and approved the amendments or revision, the document will be made available to the Executive Board for review.
- Comments will be reviewed by the Bylaws Committee, and any necessary changes will be made. The document can then be presented to a Parliamentarian for review.
- When the document is complete it will be made available to the general membership of the Fresno County Genealogy Society for review on the Society website and thirty days notice published in "The Jotted Line" prior to it being voted on at the next General meeting.
- At that General meeting a two-thirds vote of members present and voting will be required for the adoption of the revised Constitution and Bylaws.
- Voting may be done by a raise of hands or by paper ballot.
- Web Administrator
- Is responsible for creating and maintaining the Society's website in accordance to the objectives of the Society.
- Is responsible for the social media of the Society so that the content promotes the Society.
- Updates the member security access level as members are added, deleted and the roles of the members change.
- Recruit, help and delegate tasks to expedite completion of responsibilities.
- Publicity Chair
- Responsible for designing, and printing flyers.
- Responsible for distribution of flyers to all library branches, Family History Centers, etc. to promote monthly meetings. Flyers should also be available at all General Meetings
- Email a copy of each flyer to "The Jotted Line" Editor to be included in the Newsletter and to the Website Editor to be posted on the FCGS website.
- Post flyer on FCGS Facebook.
- Recruit, help and delegate tasks to expedite completion of responsibilities.
- Hospitality Chair
- Supply refreshments at General Meetings, Seminars and at other times as needed.
- Associate (Assistant) Librarian
- Check new and donated books and periodicals to remove duplicates before presenting to FCGS Librarian for approval into accession book.
- Stamp and affix labels with FCGS name to new and donated books approved by FCGS Librarian, enter into accession book, and complete county library catalog slip for cataloging.
- Process periodicals.
- Perform tasks assigned by Librarian.